Human connection in a distanced world

Why We’re Here

We’re a community of pleasure activists and culture-shifters, dedicated to safely and equitably spreading sex-positive culture.

We love to facilitate play, pleasure, and self-exploration for a rich tapestry of people. This is both an immense privilege and a serious responsibility.

We have personally experienced the ways that sexual liberation can heal the shame, biases, and judgments that our world inflicts on us all. We also know that even radically sex-positive spaces can reinforce these harmful dynamics, particularly if such spaces focus primarily on the desires of affluent white men. 

We recognize that our every interaction and desire is influenced by our sexist, racist, ableist, white-supremacist, cis-heteronormative, patriarchal, settler-colonizer, capitalist society. So our work encompasses a commitment to challenging these systems of oppression.

We do this by proactively seeking a diversity of members, embracing conversations about power and privilege, greeting opportunities for education with gratitude, and considering equity and representation in our every decision. 

Black Lives Matter.

Sex work is work.

The body is not an apology.

You are beautiful.

Our Values

  • Reverence. We have a fundamental respect for the power and variety of human sexuality.

  • Participation. We facilitate experiences, not performances.

  • Delight. We believe that conscious pleasure is the path.

  • Equity. We share power and resources to further social justice.

  • Integrity. We practice what we preach.

  • Accountability. We own the consequences of our actions.

ForLove is committed to the highest standard of equitable, trauma (nervous system) informed and privilege aware spaces for sexual liberation. We believe a saf(er,) more intimate world is possible by challenging systems of oppression within these vulnerable spaces and using intimate events to empower one anothe and cultivate the kind of world we want to see.