The Rules

Creating a place where everyone feels safe to explore.

  1. Bring your BEST self

    Show exceptional care for yourself and each other.

    Participate: forLove’s events are co-creative. If you’re not giving as much as you’re taking from the experience then this isn’t the right place for you.

    Respectful compliments are welcome

    Dress yourself up, get into character, and lean in to the absurdity of the immerive erotic art.

  2. Honor consent 

    Use and respect our RGY system (below)

    Establish consent in 1:1 chat, in front of a crowd

    Don’t pester. Once is asking, twice is checking, three times is harassment. (More on our Consent page)

    Attend the opening circle for every event, each has is own nuiances that are important to the safety and the experience.

  3. Invite ONLY

    The only people at our events are those with tickets. This includes partners or roommates.

    Just because you were invited to the last party, DOESN’T garuntee your invite to the next. We try to cultivate intentional spaces for each event.

    No one under 18 is allowed in person or on camera EVER.

  4. No dangerous or harmful behavior 

    No violence, hate speech, microaggressions, stalking, shaming or threats.

    No over-intoxication or illicit substance use in person or on camera.

    No spamming or soliciting other members.

  5. No creeping

    You can watch, but don’t leer: staring for an extended period, without commenting, participating, sharing or contributing is not welcome.

    Not sure how? Check w/ an organizer, volunteer or angel at the event for the proper signals.

  6. No recording

    Never photograph, screenshot, record or otherwise capture anything at our parties, in any way, ever.

    Always keep your phone off-camera for virtual events.

  7. No sliding into DM’s

    On Facebook, do not friend request or Direct Message team or members you have not met and interacted with at an event and who have not given you their consent.

  8. Respect privacy

    What happens here stays here. You can share your own experiences, but not others’.

    Do not disclose members’ identities to anyone in or out of forLove.

    Do not copy/paste content from our website or Facebook page into Messenger or ANY other medium.

    Refer to people ONLY by their screen name (alias). (More on our Privacy and Anonymity page)

  9. Respect the room

    Every space we run has a type of activity that’s appropriate.

    Defer to the room host. If you don’t like what a host is doing, or want to do something else, you can leave the room at any time and explore another experience.


At our events, the first level of consent is your OPENNESS to being interacted WITH.

  • Green(G) - you are open to receiving flirtatious requests or offers!

  • Yellow (Y) -  you’d prefer to be asked permission before someone engages with you

  • Red(R) - you don’t want to be engaged with

You can switch from one color to another at any point during an event. If someone doesn’t respect your color, (By, for instance, making repeated sexual comments when you’re a yellow, or approaching repeatedly when you’re a red) we’ll treat it as a consent violation.